recipe index: Grilling
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  1. Chicken Curry Satay & Yogurt Maker Giveaway
    I’m not a coupon-cutting, bargain-hunting grocery shopper, but lately I’ve taken a step toward more aware spending at the market. I won’t compromise on a… MORE »
    Chicken Curry Satay & Yogurt Maker Giveaway
  2. Charcuterie Turkey Burger
    As promised, a burger to out-burger any burger, with a recipe that certainly elevates the turkey burger to a status it frequently does not enjoy.… MORE »
    Charcuterie Turkey Burger
  3. three bbq sauces
    I have OD’d on tangy. Making three different BBQ sauces in one day and repeatedly tasting them at different stages has left me with a… MORE »
    three bbq sauces
  4. Grilled Salmon with Red Wine Balsamic Sauce
    This is going to be a quick one. I mean the post and the recipe. The post because I’m my usual pre-vacation frantic mess. And… MORE »
    Grilled Salmon with Red Wine Balsamic Sauce
  5. kefta meatball kabobs
    Why put a meatball on a skewer?, you may be thinking.  Well, haven’t you ever heard that childhood song about the meatball, the one on… MORE »
    kefta meatball kabobs